
Birchville Cat Motel - Firepower Fragrant Cloud

Band: Birchville Cat Motel
Origin: New Zealand
Genre: ambient
Album release date: 2005
Status: active
Band official site: -
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/birchvillecatmotel

average bit rate: 180kbps/44khz

DOWNLOAD: Birchville Cat Motel - Firepower Fragrant Cloud(2005)


Unknown said...

Fucking fantastic X 2.Whatever else you've got by way of Birchville CDRs from Celebrate PSI please bring em on. Cannot get enough and I missed out on so many of them at the time.

Fucking fantastically pleased,


Unknown said...

Fucking fantastic X 2.Whatever else you've got by way of Birchville CDRs from Celebrate PSI please bring em on. Cannot get enough and I missed out on so many of them at the time.

Fucking fantastically pleased,
